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  Defimonitor EVO 3 (Primedic)   Modest of Operations: AED mode, automatic ECG analysis with audio and visual instructions, manual mode, asynchronous and synchronous defibrillation per paddles or self-adhesive electrodes, ECG monitoring and pacing. RESUSCITATION GUIDELINE: Factory Set: Guideline 2010 (ERC / AHA) ECG: 12-Channels-Leads:  Extremities acc. to Einthoven (bipolar) I, II, III, extremities acc. to Goldberger (unipolar) ...


Defimonitor EVO 3 (Primedic)


Modest of Operations: AED mode, automatic ECG analysis with audio and visual instructions, manual mode, asynchronous and synchronous defibrillation per paddles or self-adhesive electrodes, ECG monitoring and pacing.


  • Factory Set: Guideline 2010 (ERC / AHA)


  • 12-Channels-Leads:  Extremities acc. to Einthoven (bipolar) I, II, III, extremities acc. to Goldberger (unipolar) aVR, aVL, aVF, thoracic wall leads acc. to Wilson (unipolar) V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
  • Heart rate: 20 to 300 bpm
  • Analysis time: 5-9s
  • Interpretative algorithm: 12-channel interpretation analysis program of Glasgow University


  1. Modes:  FIX, DEMAND
  2. Stimulation frequency: 30 ppm to 180 ppm
  3. Impulse Current: 0 mA to 140 mA
  4. Impulse Shape: Rectilinear, constant current


  • Adhesive electrodes: Hands-Free
  • Shelf Life: 36 Months
  • Cable length: 2.0 m
  • Active electrode surface: 174 cm² overall
  • Paddles: Adult electrodes with built-in child‘s electrodes
  • Function Paddles: Energy selection and charging / discharging as well as printing of data by operating the paddles


Impulse Shape: Biphasic
Energy in the automatic mode: According to patient impedence
Energy levels in manual mode: 1J, 2J, 3J,4J, 5J, 6J, 7J, 8J, 9J, 10J, 15J, 20J, 30J, 40J, 50J, 75J, 100J, 125J, 150J, 175J, 200J, 300J, 360J,
Charge time: < 6s for 200 J (with a new fully charged battery at 25◦c)      8s for 360 J (with new fully charged battery at 25 ◦c)
Pacemaker Detection: Detect pacer pulses of ±2 mV to ±700 mV with pulse widths of 0.1 msec to 2 msec and a rise time of 10 % of the width but not more than 100 μs
Cardioversion: Manual Activation of the cardioversion via the SYNC button, defibrillation via paddles as well as self-adhesive electrodes.



Model: TFT-LCD color, dual mode
Dimensions: 170 x 128 mm (diagonal 8.4“/ 212 mm)
Resolutions: 800 x 600 pixel
Number of channels: 4 waveforms or 12 ECG channels, cascaded can be shown

Technical Specifications

Pulse oximeter (SpO2)*

Model: Nellcor®
Range: 1 % bis 100 %
Pulse Rate: 20 – 300 bpm
Accuracy: 70% – 100%“


Operation mode: Manual and automatic measurement of interval
Technology: Oscillometric measurement
Measurement range neonatal: SYS 40 to 120 mmHg / MAP 30 to 100 mmHg / DIA 20 to 90 mmHg


Measurement range: -50 – 300 mmHg
Channels: 2 parallel connections

Capnography (EtCO2)*

Type/EtCO2 –Module: Respironics® / Mainstream / Sidestream
Ambient-CO2-level: 0 – 150 mmHg
Parameter: EtCO2, InCO2


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